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Additional Materials

Lists of some longer and shorter Introduction to Sociology textbooks.

For interesting current sociological material see Contexts Crawler.

There is a Glossary of over 400 sociological terms.
Bibliography of Relevant Sources of Sociological Content, Exercises, and Teaching Strategies.
List of 22 Films pertinent to sociology.

The American Sociological Association publishes news briefs on recent research.

See brief videos about common teaching dilemmas and other teaching resources at Teaching the Social World, a blog about teaching produced by Contexts magazine.

Liberal Learning Cover

McKinney, Kathleen, Carla B. Howery, Kerry J Strand, Edward L Kain, and Catherine White Berheide. 2004. Liberal Learning and the Sociology Major Updated: Meeting the Challenge of Teaching Sociology in the Twenty-First Century. American Sociological Association: Washington, DC.