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Power and Politics Learning Activities

by David Karen, Bryn Mawr College


Voting Systems in Democratic Societies. We often think of countries like the United States, France, England, and Sweden (and many others) as being democratic. These countries differ in how many political parties get seats in the legislature and along some other dimensions. Students can research and discuss the differences (perhaps using NationMaster). What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of the different systems?

Government and military institutions. Since no private interests are involved, these institutions should be entirely egalitarian. Are they? If not, discuss the way these institutions are "classed," "raced," and "gendered".


The Candidate. 1972. A somewhat naive politician is convinced to run for President and learns the inner workings of campaigns. 105 minutes.

The War Room. 1993. Documentary about the 1992 Clinton campaign. 93 mins.

Bulworth. 1998. Satirical account of politics in the U.S. Candidate decides to tell the truth about politics and corporate power. 107 mins.

Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story. 90 mins. A Vietnam veteran fights for the rights of the homeless.