Section on Marxist Sociology--Home

questions: about the site

Questions or comments about the new website

We would love to hear feedback on this website. Please send an email to the chair of the section

with any suggestions about the website.


ASA Annual Conference (2013)

Go to the conference website to find meetings hosted by the Marxist Section

New list-serve

To subsrcibe, send a message to majordomo (at) In the body of the message type "Subscribe Marxist_sociology". You will receive an e-mail confirmation with further instructions. Contact Justin Lini at Lini (at) for any problems.


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Related Links

American Sociological Association (ASA)

Section on Marxist Sociology page hosted on asanet

ASA Section Awards

Critical Sociology

Marxist Internet Archive


maintained by A. Jipson [copyleft copyleft 2007-8] (updated January 2013)