Papers/Extended Abstracts

Paper/Extended Abstract Call for Submissions

There are several different avenues to submit your paper or extended abstract.

Regular Sessions are sessions that are planned around a general topic/area of study and therefore do not issue individual calls. Regular sessions are open to all paper/extended abstract submissions that meet the criteria below. Regular sessions are independent of ASA Section programming.

Section Sessions are planned by the ASA Sections. Section sessions are open to all paper/extended abstract submissions that meet the criteria below. Calls will be posted soon.

Roundtable Sessions are sessions that use the roundtable model where multiple papers are presented at a single round table concurrent with other roundtables. Individual round tables are organized around a common theme or subject. ASA Sections often sponsor roundtables and there is the Open Refereed Roundtable, independent of the ASA Sections, that is an all topic roundtable session. Roundtable sessions are open to all paper/extended abstract submissions that meet the criteria below.

Student Forum Sessions provide an outlet for graduate and undergraduate sociology students. Student Forum sessions are open to all paper/extended abstract submissions that meet the criteria below.

Submission Policies

  • Submissions must reflect original work or major developments in previously reported work. Papers are NOT eligible if 1. They have been presented previously at ASA or other professional meeting, 2. Published prior to the meeting or accepted for publication before being submitted, or 3. Modified in only secondary respects after presentation or publication.
  • Submitters may elect to a submit either full papers (15-35 pages) or extended abstracts (3-5 pages). Authors submitting an extended abstract are required to provide a completed paper one month prior to the start of the meeting if accepted. 
  • Only one single-authored paper presentation is permitted. Authors who have more than one single-authored paper accepted must decide which paper will be presented and inform the session organizer of the session from which they wish to withdraw immediately. This does not apply to individuals who are not the presenting author on multi-authored papers.
  • Authors may submit a paper to a regular session topic and elect a section topic or roundtable as a secondary choice. Authors may not submit to a regular session topic as a first and second choice. The online submission system provides submission options reflecting this policy.
  • Authors may submit a paper to a section topic and elect a secondary section topic, roundtable or regular session topic choice. The online submission system provides submission options reflecting this policy.
  • Authors may submit to a roundtable session as their primary choice, as a secondary, or tertiary option. Only roundtable sessions may be selected as a tertiary choice and the online submission system provides options that reflect this policy.
  • If a submission is not accepted by the primary choice, it will be transferred automatically to the second choice and/or third choice.
  • Submitting individuals are encouraged to hold membership in ASA but membership is not required to register.

Participation Policies

  • Only one single-authored paper presentation is permitted. Authors who have more than one single-authored paper accepted must decide which paper will be presented and inform the session organizer of the session from which they wish to withdraw immediately.
  • Individuals may not be listed on more than two sessions on the program. This includes all participant roles. A participant is anyone listed as an author, presenter, presider/table presider, discussant, panelist, moderator, leader, or any similar substantive role on the program. Session organizers and mentors are exempt from this policy unless they appear on the same session in another role. Participants who appear on more than two sessions must decide on which sessions to participate and inform the session organizer of the session from which they wish to withdraw and [email protected] promptly.
  • All participants on the Annual Meeting program must register for the meeting. Participants who do not pre-register may be removed from the program. A participant is anyone listed as an author, mentor, presenter, presider/table presider, discussant, panelist, moderator, leader, or any similar substantive role on the program. For multiple-authored papers, co-authors who are not presenting and who will not be attending the Annual Meeting are not required to register.
  • Individuals who are listed on the program as participants are encouraged to hold membership in ASA but membership is not required to register.

How to Submit

Submitters should prepare the following information and files prior to starting the online submission process.

  • Identify where you want to submit your paper/extended abstract.
  • Paper Title (15 words or less).
  • Description (250 words or less).
  • Institutional affiliations and email addresses for all co-authors.
  • Paper (15-35 pages) or extended abstract (3-5 pages) converted to a PDF file stored locally and ready for uploading. If necessary, special tables/charts in Excel or PowerPoint can be uploaded as a separate Supporting File to accompany the paper.
  • AV equipment (if needed).

All submissions must be made via the online submission portal. The online forms will guide you through the steps required to submit your proposal. You will have one hour to complete your submission. The system will log you out after one hour of inactivity. Any unsaved work will be lost. View the webinar on Getting Your Paper on the Program before starting your submission.

  1. Go to the online portal. Log in using your ASA username and password.
  2. Under the Submitter Menu, select Submit or Edit a Proposal.
  3. Select your first choice topic and if you will be submitting an extended abstract or complete paper.
  4. Follow the system prompts to enter the information listed above.

Confirmation of Proposal Submission

All electronic proposal submissions will receive an email confirmation from [email protected]. Please save the confirmation email for future reference. If you do not immediately receive your confirmation email, please check your junk or spam folder. Contact [email protected] if you do not receive an email confirmation of your submission within 12 hours.

Acceptance Notification

You can expect to receive an acceptance or decline email for each proposal you submitted the week of April 3. If your submission is accepted by your second/third choice option, that indicates that your first choice session organizer declined to accept the submission.