ASA is committed to developing an organizational climate that is welcoming and inclusive of all sociologists. All of our activities are undertaken with a commitment to the principles articulated in the association’s Diversity Statement.

Among the ASA organizational structures that support these efforts are status committees that advise and guide the association on the status in the discipline of groups that have experienced a pattern of discrimination in society. We also provide organizational diversity data and have a staff team that is dedicated to developing programmatic initiatives and other efforts to promote DEI in the association and the discipline.

Read the report of the ASA Task Force on Membership to learn about many of the steps ASA is taking to make the association a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable home for sociologists. The development of member-initiated, ASA-supported groups called Communities is one step the association has taken toward this goal. Communities create spaces for groups of members with common professional backgrounds or common identities to connect with one another for a variety of purposes including networking, asking for and offering professional advice, professional development activities, and Annual Meeting-related events. ASA members may join any Community free of charge.

The Annual Meeting Redesign Committee report explains how ASA is reimagining its conference with respect to meeting delivery and distribution of time and space, with deep consideration of environmental impact, accessibility, and affordability. To learn about the group’s work from committee co-chairs Diogo Pinheiro and Juliet Schor, and to access the full report, click here.