Korean Sociologists in America

As Koreans and Korean Americans form a racial minority, Korean Sociologists in America works to create a new space for belonging and networking within the ASA and in the field of Sociology within the United States. The Korean Sociologists in America Community aims to support its members by promoting networking, mentoring, and collaboration and by providing opportunities for engagement and leadership.

Formed in 2022, the Korean Sociologists in America Community hopes to pursue the following activities:

  1. At the Annual Meeting
    1. Networking Event
    2. Pre-conference regular meeting
      • Research presentations and a roundtable
      • Professional development workshop
      • Mentoring
    3. Off-site networking reception
  2. Outside the Annual Meeting
    1. Virtual Meetings
      • Professional Development
      • Virtual Coffee Hours to promote networking and mentoring
    2. Biannual newsletter

Annual Report (2023)

Community Leadership

Chair: Sojung Lim, Utah State University
Council Members:
Angie Chung, University at Albany – SUNY
Jaeeunk Kim, University of Michigan
Hyunjoon Park, University of Pennsylvania
Kiwoong Park, University of New Mexico
Graduate Student Representative: Ji-won Lee, University at Albany – SUNY

Looking for community?

You can join the Community while joining ASA or renewing your membership. You can also add the Community to your existing ASA membership from your ASA Member Portal. While it is free to join a Community, you do have an option to make a voluntary donation to the Community. By joining the Community, you will have access to the Community’s listserv. Through the listserv, you can receive notifications about the latest Community happenings and make connections with others in the Community.