Volume: 49
Issue: 4

ASA Resources

Professional Development Opportunities

ASA Virtual Pro-Seminar: Navigating Mental Health While in Graduate School, October 21, 1:00–2:00 p.m. Eastern. It is well documented that the pressures of academia can affect mental health. Graduate students deal with varying stressors that come with balancing research, teaching, family, the job market, tensions with advisors or within departments, and more. Join us as psychologist and social justice advocate Dr. Calisha Brooks (University of Cincinnati) leads a discussion on and provides strategies for maintaining mental health awareness within academia and graduate school in particular. Live transcript provided; this event will not be recorded. Free for members; register here.

Webinar: Can Sociologists Be Good Writers? Writing for Clarity and Impact, October 27, 2:00–3:00 p.m. Eastern. Outside of the classroom or the conference site, sociologists mostly communicate our ideas through writing. Yet, as readers, we have all encountered less-than-friendly sociological texts. And sociology graduate students’ professional training often does not focus on learning to write clear and compelling texts for a variety of audiences. Panelists Maxine Leeds Craig, University of California-Davis; Crystal M. Fleming, Stony Brook University; James M. Jasper, CUNY Graduate Center; and Nancy Wang Yuen, Biola University—all acclaimed sociologists who take writing seriously—will discuss their definitions of good writing, the reasons sociologists tend not to see themselves as writers, and how to improve our writing. Closed captions provided. Free for members; register here.

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ASA on the Issues: Statement Condemning Attacks that Seek to Limit Conference Presentations and Participation

ASA takes public positions on issues related to policy for which there is consensus in the sociological literature or related to matters concerning the well-being of the discipline and profession. Read the statement we recently signed condemning attacks that seek to limit conference presentations and participation. You can read here about other recent advocacy efforts.

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A Resource You Can Use: External Data Resources on Sociology as a Profession

ASA has compiled publicly accessible data sources for members to gain an understanding of our disciplinary landscape for both departmental and individual advocacy purposes. Access it here.

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