Teaching Resources

Many sociologists are working to develop an anti-racism pedagogy for the classroom and this page offers resources to support that effort. Anti-racism pedagogy is centered on the recognition that systemic racism has impeded how institutions provide education.  White supremacy and its corresponding power relations continue to control material resources, conscious and unconscious biases, and educational outcomes and culture. ASA is committed to assisting faculty with their efforts to combat the isolation of marginalized groups and create more inclusive classroom environments.

To support faculty DEI efforts, we have compiled a list of books, articles, TRAILS resources, and panel discussions. While by no means an exhaustive collection, these resources can serve as a primer for instructors interested in diversifying their curricula and instruction.

Books on Teaching and Decoding Racism

Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, by bell hooks
Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools, by Amanda E. Lewis and John B. Diamond
The Methodological Dilemma Revisited: Creative, Critical and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research for a New Era, by Kathleen Gallagher
Black Skin, White Masks, by Frantz Fanon
The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code, by Steven Newcomb

Antiracism Guidebook: First Book’s Guidebook for Empowering Educators

ASA TRAILS Resources

TRAILS, an online peer reviewed library of high-quality teaching resources, is free to all ASA members and includes syllabi, class activities, assignments, lectures, and more.  Subscriptions are available for non-members. Following is a selection of resources in TRAILS that may be helpful with your DEI teaching efforts. Please note that TRAILS is adding new resources on an ongoing basis, so please check back and search periodically.

Social Justice
Understanding Intersectionality Through a Roll of the Dice: What Might the Experience Be?
Social Inequality: Race and the Criminal Legal System
Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights

Naming Racisms: Identifying and Responding to Biological and Colorblind Racisms
Understanding and Reducing Racial Bias in Police-Civilian Interactions
Critiquing Color-Blind Racism and Racial Fallacies in “The Daily Show”

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter Lecture
Youth, Activism, and Social Movements

Social Diversity and Inequality Research

Embodying Inequality Activity: Teaching Intersectionality with Ethnographic Data

Discussions on Anti-Racism

  1. Antiracism and Decoloniality in Humanities: Virtual Faculty Panel, American University AntiRacism Center
  2. Facilitating Anti-Racist and Other Difficult Dialogues (Faculty and Staff), NYU Global Inclusion
  3. Why We Shouldn’t Try to Erase America’s Racist Past: Twitter’s misguided attempts at censorship-Public Seminar, by Karyn Lacy (engaging Blumer’s group position theory to understand Twitter’s monitoring of race talk)

If you have resources you think might be useful to add to this page, please send them to [email protected].