Call for Volunteers

The call for volunteers is now closed. A session organizer will be in contact if you are selected to serve.

A presider is responsible for determining speaking order, introducing presenters, keeping the session and presentations on time. It is recommended that you reach out to the participants on your session ahead of time to introduce yourself, communicate their time limits, encourage them to use universal design, and see if they have any questions.

As a discussant you will be tasked with discussing the papers and starting a discussion among the panelists and audience members. We encourage you to reach out to the presider and presenters to introduce yourself before the meeting. Papers will be available to you one month prior to the meeting via the online portal.

The role of table presider is essential to a successful roundtable session. As table presider, it is your responsibility to determine speaking order, introduce presenters, keep the session and presenters on time, and facilitate discussion at the table. We recommend that you reach out to the participants on your table ahead of time to introduce yourself, communicate their time limits, and see if they have any questions.

To volunteer:

  1. Go to the online portal. Log in with your ASA username and password.
  2. Under the Submitter Menu, select Volunteer to be a Discussant or Presider.
  3. You may volunteer for up to three sessions.