Animals and Society Award Recipient History

The Section on Animals and Society’s Distinguished Article Award

2023: Natasha Quadlin, University of California, Los Angeles, and Bradley Montgomery, The Ohio State University, “When a Name Gives You Pause: Racialized Names and Time to Adoption in a County Dog Shelter.” Social Psychology Quarterly, 85 (2): 210–235. 2022.

2022: Adilia E.E. James, Endicott College, “Unfit Stewards: The Role of the Intensive Pet Parenting Ideology in Constructing Racialized Narratives.” Social Problems, 2021.

2021: Cameron Whitley, Linda Kalof, and Tim Flach, “Using Animal Portraiture to Activate Emotional Affect,” Environment and Behavior, 00(0): 1-27.

The Section on Animals and Society’s Distinguished Book Award

2023: Andrea Laurent-Simpson, Southern Methodist University, Just Like Family: How Companion Animals Joined the Household. New York, NY: New York University Press. 2021.

2022: Sarah DeYoung and Ashley K. Farmer, University of Delaware, All Creatures Safe and Sound. Temple University Press. 2021.

2021: Katja Guenther, The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

The Section on Animals and Society’s Award for Distinguished Scholarship

2020: Elizabeth Cherry, Manhattanville College, For the Birds: Protecting Wildlife through the Naturalist Gaze. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 2019.

2020: Manès Weisskircher, “New Technologies as a Neglected Social Movement Outcome.” Sociological Perspectives 62 (1): 59-76. 2018

2019: Andrea Laurent-Simpson, “‘They Make Me Not Wanna Have a Child’: Effects of Companion Animals on Fertility Intentions of the Childfree,” Sociological Inquiry 87(4):586-607. 2017.

2018: Elizabeth Cherry, Manhattanville College, Culture and Activism: Animal Rights in France and the United States. Routledge. 2016.

2017: Betsie Garner and David Grazian, “Naturalizing Gender through Childhood Socialization Messages in a Zoo,” Social Psychology Quarterly 79(3):181-198. 2016.

2016: David Grazian, American Zoo: A Sociological Safari. Princeton University Press. 2015.

2014: Lisa Jean Moore and Mary Kosut, Purchase College, State University of New York, Buzz: Urban Beekeeping and the Power of the Bee. New York University Press. 2013.

2013: Richard York and Philip Mancus, “The Invisible Animal: Anthrozoology and Macrosociology,” Sociological Theory 31(1):75-91. 2013.

2013: David Grazian, University of Pennsylvania, “Where the Wild Things Aren’t: Exhibiting Nature in American Zoos” The Sociological Quarterly 53(4):546-565. 2016.

2013: David Nibert, Wittenberg University, “The Fire Next Time: The Coming Cost of Capitalism, Animal Oppression and Environmental Ruin,” Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 3:141-158. 2012.

2011: Rhoda Wilkie, Livestock/Deadstock: Working with Animals from Birth to Slaughter. Temple University Press. 2010.

2010: Amy Fitzgerald, University of Windsor, Linda Kalof, Michigan State University, and Thomas Dietz, Michigan State University, “Slaughterhouses and Increased Crime Rates: An Empirical Analysis of Spillover from ‘The Jungle’ into the Surrounding Community,” Organization and Environment 22(2):158-184. 2009.

2009: Arnold Arluke, Northeastern University, Just a Dog: Understanding Animal Cruelty and Ourselves. Temple University Press. 2006.

2008: Colin Jerolmack, New York University, “Animal Practices, Ethnicity, and Community: The Turkish Pigeon Handlers of Berlin,” American Sociological Review 72(6):874-894. 2007.

2007: Leslie Irvine, University of Colorado, If You Tame Me: Understanding our Connection with Animals. Temple University Press. 2004.

The Section on Animals and Society’s Clifton Bryant Animals and Society Course Award

2023: Seven Mattes, Michigan State University, “Animals, Culture, and Power.”

2022: Brandon Mouser, University of Indianapolis, “Pets and Working Animals in Society”

2021: Carol Glasser

2020: Cameron Whitley, Western Washington University, “Animals, People, and Nature.”

2019: Keri Burchfield, Northern Illinois University, “Animals and Society”

2018: Carol Thompson, Texas Christian University, “Perspectives on Human-Animal Relationships”

2017: Jenny R. Vermilya, University of North Georgia, “Animals and Society”

2016: Keri Brandt, Fort Lewis College, “Animals & Society”

2014: Liz Grauerholz, University of Central Florida, “Animals and Health”

2013: Linda Kalof, Michigan State University, “Animals and Social Transformations”


The Section on Animals and Society’s Jane Goodall Award for Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship

2023: Nicolo P. Pinchak, Christopher R. Browning, Bethany Boettner, Catherine A. Calder, and Jake Tarrence. “Paws on the Street: Neighborhood-level Concentration of Households with Dogs and Urban Crime.” Social Forces. 2022.

2021: Luisa Reis Castro, “Becoming Without: Making Transgenic Mosquitos and Disease Control in Brazil”

2020: Mark Suchyta, Michigan State University, “Environmental Values and Americans’ Beliefs about Farm Animal Well-being.” In revision with Agriculture and Human Values.

2019: Andrew McCumber, “You Can’t Ignore the Rat’: Rat Control, Meaning and Difference in Alberta, Canada”

2018: Laurent Cilia, University of Colorado, Boulder, “Agriculture, Socioecological Inequality, and the Plight of the Honeybee: An Intersectional Analysis”

2017: Caleb Scoville, University of California, Berkeley, “Hydraulic Society and a ‘Stupid Little Fish’: Toward a Historical Ontology of the Nonhuman”

2016: Andrea Laurent-Simpson, “Extending Identity Theory: Parenting and Identity Formation in the Context of Human-Animal Relationships”

2015: Braden Leap, “Collective Troubles: Transforming Neoliberalism Through Interaction with Nonhumans,” Geoforum 56(1):182-191. 2014.

2014: Ryan Gunderson, Michigan State University, “From Cattle to Capital: Exchange Value, Animal Commodification, and Barbarism,” Critical Sociology 39(2):259-275. 2013.

2013: Loredana Loy, New York University, “The Social Impact of Cinematic Discourse”

2010: Benjamin Merriman, University of Chicago, “Putting Animals to Work: The Ideology of Animal-Based Production and the Problem of Interspecies Solidarity”

2009: Benjamin Merriman, University of Chicago, “The Biological and Historical Animal: Toward a Usable Marx”

2008: Elizabeth Cherry, University of Chicago, “Deconstructing Symbolic Boundaries: Cultural Strategies of New Social Movements,” Sociological Forum 25(3):450-475. 2010.

2007: Colter Ellis, University of Colorado, “Negotiating Contradictions: Human-Nonhuman Animal Relationships in Cattle Ranching”