Crime, Law, and Deviance

The purpose of the Section on Crime, Law, and Deviance is to foster the development of this aspect of sociology through the organized interchange of ideas and research results. The Crime, Law, and Deviance Section examines matters of sociological interest related to the study and understanding of juvenile or adult law-violating behavior and the organization and operation of law enforcement, judicial, and correctional processes.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Michelle Phelps, University of Minnesota
Chair-Elect: Jennifer Carlson, University of Arizona
Past Chair: Stacy De Coster, North Carolina State University
Section Secretary/Treasurer:  Jennifer Cobbina, Michigan State University
Section Secretary/Treasurer-Elect: Danielle Rudes, Sam Houston State University
April Fernandes, North Carolina State University
Daniel Martinez, University of Arizona
Vanessa Panfil, Old Dominion University
Heather Schoenfeld, Boston University
Bryan L. Sykes, University of California, Irvine
Chris Smith, University of Toronto