Labor and Labor Movements

The purpose of the Section is to provide a forum for the full range of work on labor and labor movements (including, but not limited to unions as social movements, work and family, international labor movements, immigration and work/unions, politics and unions, workers’ culture, and comparative/historical work), to create networks and graduate mentoring opportunities that will stimulate interaction and increase the rigor and creativity of future work, to bring researchers and applied sociologists together for discussion and debate, to recognize and reward the best work now being done and thereby to encourage future research, and to heighten awareness among section members and the ASA more generally about the research already being conducted in the field.We also have a commitment to provide intellectual support and to maintain an active exchange of ideas and research findings with the labor movement.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Erin Hatton, University at Buffalo
Chair-Elect: Jeffrey Sallaz, University of Arizona
Past Chair: Cedric de Leon, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Section Secretary/Treasurer: Todd Vachon, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Barry Eidlin, McGill University
Pablo Gastón, University of Michigan
Gretchen Purser, Syracuse University
Joseph van der Naald, Graduate Center, CUNY (Student Representative)

Visit the Section’s website here.