Organizations, Occupations, and Work

The purpose of the Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work is to foster the development of these branches of sociology through the advancement of theory and research, and through the communication of knowledge. The Section focuses on concepts and theories from the various social sciences as they apply to problems of organizations, occupational roles and the changing nature of work.

The OOW Section blog publishes news and information for and from our members.

The OOW section also sponsors a public sociology blog, which publishes short, accessible articles on research findings, news analysis and commentary from sociologists: Work in Progress: Sociology on the economy, work and inequality.

Work in Progress is co-sponsored by three other ASA Sections: Economic Sociology; Labor and Labor Movements; Inequality, Poverty and Mobility.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Elizabeth Gorman, University of Virginia
Chair-Elect: Sarah Thébaud, University of California, Santa Barbara
Past Chair: Tim Bartley, Washington University in St. Louis
Section Secretary/Treasurer: Elizabeth Hirsh, University of British Columbia
Amy Binder, University of California-San Diego
Laura B. Doering, University of Toronto
Rachel Dwyer, The Ohio State University
Ken-Hou Lin, University of Texas at Austin
Aliya Rao, London School of Economics

Visit the Section’s website here.