Sociology of Law

The ASA Sociology of Law Section provides a forum for intellectual and personal exchange among sociologists interested in the study of law, legal institutions, and law-related structures and processes. The Section sponsors panel sessions and a series of roundtables at the ASA annual meetings, and offers various awards, including best graduate and undergraduate student paper awards every year.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Ron Levi, University of Toronto
Chair-Elect: Monica C. Bell, Yale University
Past Chair: Sida Liu, University of Toronto
Section Secretary/Treasurer: Ronit Dinovitzer, University of Toronto
Theresa Rocha Beardall, University of Washington
Tony Cheng, University of California, Irvine
Matthew Clair, Stanford University
Faith Deckard, University of Texas at Austin (Student Representative)
Brittany Friedman, University of Southern California
Michael Sierra-Arévalo, University of Texas at Austin
Stefan Vogler, University of Chicago

Visit the Section’s website here.