Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity Award Recipient History

The Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity’s Distinguished Career Award

2023: Craig Calhoun, Arizona State University

2022: Elisabeth Clemens, University of Chicago

2021: Pamela Paxton, University of Texas at Austin

2020: Jeffery Alexander, Yale University

2019: Neil J. MacKinnon, Emeritus Professor, University of Guelph

2018: Edward J. Lawler, Martin P. Catherwood Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University

2016: Robert Wuthnow, Princeton University

2015: Jane Piliavin, University of Wisconsin, Madison

2014: Shalom H. Schwartz, Hebrew University

2013: Paul Schervish, Boston College

2012: Christian Smith, University of Notre Dame


The Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity’s Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award

2023: Martin Eiermann, University of California, Berkeley, “‘Towards a Higher Morality’: Privacy and the Remaking of Urban Space During Progressive Era Tenement Reforms.”

2023 Honorable Mention: Katharine Khanna, Columbia University, “Egalitarian Attitudes as Mechanisms for Status Enhancement: Social and Symbolic Benefits for Men Who Support Gender Equality.”

2022: Laura Halcomb, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Crowdfunding a Life: How relationships shape requests for financial assistance.”

2022 Honorable Mention: Valentina Cantori, University of Southern California, “Inclusive and Included? Practices of Civic Inclusivity of American Muslims in Los Angeles.”

2021: Wan-Zi Lu. “Affective Coordination: Mobilizing Deceased Kidney Donation in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.”

2021: Ji Hye Kim. “Liberals with Conservative Minds: Identification of Latent Moral Groups in the United States.”

2020: Laura Adler & Elena Ayala-Hurtado, Harvard University and Julia Weiss, Heidelberg University “A Little Help from my Friends? Resolving Moral Tension between Meritocracy and Job-seeking Help,”

2020: Kelley Fong, Harvard University, ““I Know How It Feels”: Empathy and Child Maltreatment Non-Reporting Among Low-Income Mothers,”

2019: April Hovav, “Producing Moral Palatability in the Mexican Surrogacy Industry,” Gender and Society 33(2):273-295. 2019.

2018: Landon Schnabel, Indiana University, Bloomington, “Opiate of the Masses? Social Inequality, Religion, and Politics”

2018 Honorable Mention: Barbara Kiviat, Harvard University, “The Art of Deciding with Data: Evidence from How Employers Translate Credit Reports into Hiring Decisions,” Socio-Economic Review 1-27. 2017.

2017: Louisa Roberts, University of South Dakota, “Changing Global Attitudes toward Homosexuality: The Influence of Global and Region-Specific Cultures, 1981-2012”.

2016: Landon Schnabel, Indiana University, Bloomington, “More Religious, Less Dogmatic: Reexamining Gender Differences in Religion”.

2015: Robert Braun, “Religious Minorities and Resistance to Genocide: The Collective Rescue of Jews in the Netherlands during the Holocaust,” American Political Science Review 110(1):127-147. 2016.

2014: Blaine Robbins, University of Washington, “On the Origins of Trust: Perceived Motivations, Causal Attributions, and Other-Praising Emotions”

2013: Xiaohong Xu, Yale University, “Belonging Before Believing: Ethical Activism, Sectarian Ethos and Bloc Recruitment in the Making of Chinese Communism,” American Sociological Review 78(5):773-796. 2013.

2012: Margaret Frye, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, “Bright Futures in Malawi’ New Dawn: Educational Aspirations as Assertions of Identity,” American Journal of Sociology 117(6):1565-1624. 2012.

2012 Honorable Metion: Matthew Hoffberg, Cornell University, “Prosocial Values, Reciprocity, and the Mediating Role of Perceived Motives in Direct Favor Exchange”


The Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity’s Outstanding Published Article Award

2023: Michaela DeSoucey, North Carolina State University, and Miranda R. Waggoner, Florida State University, “Another Person’s Peril: Peanut Allergy, Risk Perceptions, and Responsible Sociality.” American Sociological Review, 87 (1): 50–79. 2022.

2023 Honorable Mention: Owen Abbott, University of York, “W. E. B. Du Bois’s Forgotten Sociology of Morality: Contesting the Foundations and Informing the Future of the Sociology of Morality.” The Sociological Review. 2022.

2022: Robin Bartram, Tulane University, “Cracks in Broken Windows: How Objects Shape Professional Evaluation.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 126(4). 2021.

2022 Honorable Mention: Margaret Frye and Anna Woźny, University of Michigan, “Moralizing the Production and Sale of Student Papers in Uganda.”  American Sociological Review, Vol. 86(3): 430-464. 2021.

2021: Grace Yukich, Brad R. Fulton, and Richard L. Wood. Representative group styles: How ally immigrant rights organizations promote immigrant involvement. Social Problems 67(3): 488-506. 2020.

2021: Jelena Golubović. One Day I Will Tell This to My Daughter: Serb Women, Silence, and the Politics of Victimhood in Sarajevo. Anthropological Quarterly 92(4): 1173-1199. 2019.

2021 Honorable Mention: Kevin Estep Pierce Greenberg. Opting Out: Individualism and Vaccine Refusal in Pockets of Socioeconomic Homogeneity. American Sociological Review 85(6): 957-991. 2020.

2020: Barbara Kiviat, Stanford University,  “The Moral Limits of Predictive Practices: The Case of Credit-Based Insurance Scores,” American Sociological Review, 84(6):1134-1158, 2019.

2020 Honorable Mention: Shai M. Dromi and Samuel D. Stabler, Harvard University and Hunter College, “Good on Paper: Sociological Critique, Pragmatism, and Secularization Theory,” Theory and Society, 48:325-50, 2019.

2019: Brandon Gorman and Charles Seguin, University at Albany and Pennsylvania State University, “World Citizens on the Periphery: Threat and Identification with Global Society,” American Journal of Sociology 124(3):705-761. 2018.

2019: Patrick Reilly, University of California, Irvine, “No Laughter among Thieves: Authenticity and the Enforcement of Community Norms in Stand-Up Comedy,” American Sociological Review 83(5):933-958. 2018.

2018: Andrew C. Cohen and Shai M. Dromi, Yale University and Harvard University, “Advertising Morality: Maintaining Moral Worth in a Stigmatized Profession,” forthcoming in Theory & Society

2018: Blaine G. Robbins, NYU Abu Dhabi, “Probing the Links Between Trustworthiness, Trust, and Emotion: Evidence from Four Survey Experiments,” Social Psychology Quarterly 79(3):284-308. 2016.

2017: Robert Braun, Northwestern University, “Religious Minorities and Resistance to Genocide: The Collective Rescue of Jews in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.” American Political Science Review 119 (1) 127-147.

2017 Honorable Mention: Ashley Harrell and Brent Simpson, University of Michigan and University of South Carolina, “The Dynamics of Prosocial Leadership: Power and Influence in Collective Action Groups.” Social Forces 94(3): 1283-1308.

2016: Wayne E. Baker and Nathaniel Bulkley, University of Michigan and Innovation Places, LLC, “Paying It Forward vs. Rewarding Reputation: Mechanisms of Generalized Reciprocity” Organization Science 25(5): 1493-1510, 2014.

2015: Brent Simpson, Ashley Harrell, and Rob Willer, “Hidden Paths from Morality to Cooperation: Moral Judgment Promote Trust and Trustworthiness,” Social Forces 91(4):1529–1548. 2013.

2014: Dan Lainer-Vos, University of Southern California, “The Practical Organization of Moral Transactions: Gift Giving, Market Exchange, Credit, and the Making of Diaspora Bonds,” Sociological Theory 31(2):145-167. 2013.

2013: Chaeyoon Lim, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Carol Ann MacGregor, Loyola University, New Orleans, “Religion and Volunteering in Context: Disentangling the Contextual Effects of Religion on Voluntary Behavior,” American Sociological Review. 77(5):747-779. 2012.

2012: Gabriel Abend, New York University, “Thick Concepts and the Moral Brain,” European Journal of Sociology 52(1):143-172. 2011.

2012 Honorable Metion: Rob Willer, University of California, Berkeley, “Groups Reward Individual Sacrifice: The Status Solution to the Collective Action Problem,” American Sociological Review 74(1):23-43. 2009.

The Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity’s Outstanding Published Book Award

2023: Iddo Tavory, Sonia Prelat, and Shelly Ronen, Tangled Goods: The Practical Life of Pro Bono Advertising. The University of Chicago Press. 2022.

2023 Honorable Mention: Galen Watts, University of Waterloo, The Spiritual Turn: The Religion of the Heart and the Making of Romantic Liberal Modernity. Oxford University Press. 2022.

2022: Shai M. Dromi, Harvard University, Above the Fray: The Red Cross and the Making of the Humanitarian NGO Sector. The University of Chicago Press. 2020.

2021: Elisabeth S. Clemens, University of Chicago, Civic Gifts:  Voluntarism and the Making of the American Nation-State. The University of Chicago Press. 2020.

2021 Honorable Mention: Shai M. Dromi, Harvard University, Above the Fray: The Red Cross and the Making of the Humanitarian NGO Sector. The University of Chicago Press. 2020.

2020: Robert Braun, University of California, Berkeley, Protectors of Pluralism: Religious Minorities and the Rescue of Jews in the Low Countries during the Holocaust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2019.

2020 Honorable Mention: Gary J. Adler, Pennsylvania State University, Empathy Beyond US Borders: The Challenges of Transnational Civic Engagement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2019.

2020 Honorable Mention:  Roi Livne, University of Michigan, Values at the End of Life: The Logic of Palliative Care. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press. 2019.

2019: Stefan Bargheer, University of California, Los Angeles, Moral Entanglements: Conserving Birds in Britain and Germany. University of Chicago Press. 2018.

2019 Honorable Mention: Chandra Russo, Colgate University, Solidarity in Practice: Moral Protest and the US Security State. Cambridge University Press. 2018.

2018: Steven Hitlin and Sarah K. Harkness, University of Iowa, Unequal Foundations: Inequality, Morality and Emotions Across Cultures. Oxford University Press. 2018.

2018 Honorable Mention: Ann Swidler and Susan Cotts Watkins, University of California, Berkeley and University of Pennsylvania, A Fraught Embrace: The Romance and Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa. Princeton University Press. 2017.

2017: Jennifer Reich, CU Denver, Calling the Shots: Why Parents Reject Vaccines

2016: Justin Farrell, Yale University, The Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of Environmental Conflict

2015: Gabriel Abend, New York University, The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics. Princeton University Press. 2014.

2015: Vincent Jeffries, California State University, Northridge, The Palgrave Handbook of Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity. Palgrave Macmillan. 2014.

2014: Peter Stamatov, Yale University, The Origins of Global Humanitarianism: Religion, Empires and Advocacy. Cambridge University Press. 2013.

2013: Lori Peek, Colorado State, Behind the Backlash: Muslim Americans After 9/11. Temple University Press. 2011.

2012: Donald Black, University of Virginia, Moral Time. Oxford University Press. 2011.