
ASA is committed to working toward ensuring a profession free of harassment of any person, including colleagues, students, supervisees, employees, staff, and research participants.

This commitment is reflected in the Code of Ethics to which all ASA members are bound. It is further reflected in our Anti-Harassment Policy, which outlines expectations for all those who attend or participate in ASA meetings.

ASA’s Working Group on Harassment compiled a list of resources, which has been updated over time, to support efforts to better understand, prevent and respond to harassment. The Working Group also published a compilation of relevant articles in Footnotes.

We also encourage you to watch the video Bystander Intervention for Sexual Harassment: A Training for ASA Members, featuring sociologist Sharyn Potter. Have you ever felt powerless in the face of a situation that you knew was harmful to your colleagues?  Many of us have been there, and it’s never easy to act. This video will equip you with some strategies to deploy to intervene in situations at the ASA Annual Meeting and beyond.

And we encourage you to watch the ASA webinar “Responding to and Preventing Harassment: Strategies for Departments.”