Volume: 50
Issue: 1

ASA Resources

Professional Development Opportunities

ASA Virtual Pro-Seminar for Graduate Students: Dealing with Rejection, Thursday, January 20, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern

Rejection hurts and in academia, rejection is common and often feels personal. Being rejected by a publication and not receiving a job offer or fellowship can bring on feelings of self-doubt and might even delay your desire to keep moving forward. However, hearing the word “no” is a part of academia that all of us must learn to deal with and move past. Join Aaryn L. Green and Erynn Masi de Casanova, both from ASA, for an honest and open discussion of dealing with rejection and strategies on coping with and bouncing back from academic disappointment. Live captioning provided; this event will not be recorded. Free for members. Register here.

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ASA on the Issues

ASA takes public positions on issues related to policy for which there is consensus in the sociological literature or related to matters concerning the well-being of the discipline and profession. Recently, we issued a letter to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement requesting that sociology be classified as a STEM discipline for the purposes of Optional Practical Training (for international students graduating from U.S. programs). We also issued a statement condemning the University of Florida’s decision to deny scholars the opportunity to provide expert testimony on a new restrictive Florida election law. You can read about all our advocacy efforts here.

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A Resource You Can Use: Positions Advertised in the ASA Job Bank in 2020

The ASA brief “Positions Advertised in the ASA Job Bank in 2020” offers an analysis that helps document the direction of sociology as a field and inform job seekers and hiring units about the larger context in which their activities take place. Access it here.

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Access Teaching Resources in TRAILS

TRAILS is ASA’s peer-reviewed digital teaching resources library and is free to ASA members. Here is a collection of resources which demonstrates that teaching statistics can be engaging and even fun. It includes:

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