Volume: 51
Issue: 3

ASA Resources

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Webinars for All ASA Members (held 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Eastern; registration links will be available at the ASA bookstore in August)

September 28 Creating Successful Writing Groups and Co-authorships
October 26 Fostering Student Engagement in the Classroom
November 30 Trends in Mixed Methods Approaches


Virtual Proseminars for Graduate Students and Early Career Faculty (held 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Eastern; registration links will be available at the ASA bookstore in August)

September 21 Application Advice: Getting ASA research funding
October 19 Making Service Work for You
November 16 Assembling Your Thesis or Dissertation Committee


Events for Department Affiliates

August 17 2023 Department Leaders Preconference (in-person at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia from 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Eastern; for Department Leaders; register here)
September 5, October 5, and December 5 ChairLink Live: Forums on the Fifth (department chairs are invited to attend this virtual forum from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Eastern; register here)
December 12 Webinar: Supporting and Advocating for Contingent Faculty (registration links will be emailed to department affiliates in August)


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A Resource You Can Use: Learn About ASA Grants and Fellowships

ASA’s webpage on grants and fellowships is a great resource to learn about all of the association’s funding opportunities and how to apply for them. Members can find out about teaching awards, dissertation grants, community service grants, Annual Meeting-related awards, and more. Review the additional funding resources section to learn about the 2023 Annual Meeting sessions related to funding and to also view webinars on this topic.

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Teaching Resources on Immigration and Migration

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Listen to Recent Podcasts from ASA Journals

Each month, several authors of articles published in ASA journals record podcasts in which they provide, through an interview format, an overview of their research. We invite you to listen to the latest podcasts and read the corresponding articles linked below.

Visit Podcasts to review more recent podcasts from ASA journals.

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