Governance and Leadership

Are you interested in how ASA runs? Learn about our governing documents, structures, and processes; commitment to diversity; finances; and ethics policies.


ASA’s Bylaws are the governing rules by which the Association operates.


Council is the elected governing body of the Association. As per ASA’s Bylaws, Council “exercise[s] all corporate powers and fiduciary responsibility over the affairs of ASA and is responsible for the overall strategic direction and policymaking of the Association.”

Standing Committees

Much of the Association’s work is done by volunteer members who serve on one of the standing committees designated in our Bylaws, including the Finance Committee, Publications Committee, Nominating Committee, Committee on Committees, Program Committee, Sections Committee, Awards Committee, and Committee on Professional Ethics.

Diversity Statement

All of ASA’s activities are undertaken with a commitment to the principles articulated in the Association’s Diversity Statement.


ASA elections are held annually from April through May. Learn about who is running in upcoming elections, who won recent elections, and who ran in previous elections.


Learn about ASA’s Code of Ethics and other ethics policies.

Audited Financial Statements

Following best practices, an independent Certified Public Accounting firm performs an annual audit of ASA’s financial records to provide assurance that they conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Review recent audited financial statements.

Solicitation and Gift Acceptance Policy

This policy provides guidance for the Council, staff, and members with respect to their responsibilities concerning gifts to ASA, and guidence to prospective donors and their professional advisors when making gifts to ASA.