Careers with a Sociology PhD

People with a doctorate in sociology can apply their skills in a variety of jobs, inside and outside academia. The traditional career path for sociology PhDs involves a position on the faculty of a college or university, with a focus on research or teaching or both. But today, more and more sociologists are working in non-faculty jobs in university settings, in non-profit organizations and think tanks, in government agencies, and in industries (technology, corporate consulting, and more).

Considering graduate school? 

Use our Guide to Graduate Departments to find the best program for you. Your department may have a copy of the guide if they are an ASA Department Affiliate, so check with them first!

Looking for Job or Career Opportunities?

Find your first job, or your next career opportunity, in the ASA Career Center. This resource is free for job seekers who are ASA members, and includes ads for full- and part-time positions in academia, sociological practice, and applied sociology, and it also includes pre- and post-doctoral fellowships. You must be logged in to your ASA account to access the Career Center.

Resources on Careers for Soc PhDs

ASA encourages potential and current graduate students to explore the full range of career options open to them. Here are a few places to start:

Professional Development Videos and Webinars

You must be logged in to your ASA account to view this content.

Recommended videos and webinars include:

ASA Virtual Pro-Seminar

Offered each month during the academic year, the #ASAProSem offers presentations and discussions designed to uncover the hidden curriculum of academia for sociology graduate students and early career sociologists. Previous topics have included: publishing in peer-reviewed journals, negotiating a job offer, and navigating sexism and racism in grad school and beyond. Seminars are free for ASA members.

Have an idea for a pro-sem topic? Contact us at [email protected].

For general questions about careers in sociology or ASA resources on careers, contact [email protected].