Animals and Society

This section encourages and supports the development of theory, research and teaching about the complex relationships that exist between humans and other animals. In the process, it is anticipated that the light we shed on these issues will increase the well-being of both humans and other animals.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Cameron T. Whitley, Western Washington University
Chair-Elect: Jordan Fox, University at Buffalo
Past Chair: Carol L. Glasser, Minnesota State University-Mankato
Section Secretary/Treasurer: Seven Mattes, Michigan State University
Victoria Brockett, University of Illinois Chicago (Student Representative)
Ivy Collier, Animals and Society Institute
Erin N. Kidder, Eckerd College
Andrea Laurent-Simpson, Southern Methodist University
Sarah May Lindsay, Trent University
Mark Suchyta, Michigan State University
Jenny Vermilya, University of Colorado Denver

See the section’s Twitter and Facebook for more information.