New Study Delves into What Drives Colleges’ Continued Use of Legacy Preference

Contact: Preeti Vasishtha, ASA Director of Communications, (202) 247-9872, [email protected]

WASHINGTON, DC—The rising cost of college has been much scrutinized as a barrier to higher education. The high cost of college makes it less accessible to those students whose families aren’t well-positioned financially. But high prices aren’t the only barrier; the seemingly antiquated and outdated practice of “legacy preference” in the admissions process is still in full effect at many U.S. colleges, contributing to inequality and class reproduction.

Legacy preference is a form of preferential advantage that organizations, including colleges, give to applicants during the screening process on the basis of their familial ties. Colleges, universities, and professional schools often give preferential admission to children or siblings of alumni, for example, and some businesses prefer to hire applicants who have familial ties to current or prior members of the organization.

While studies have documented that U.S. colleges persistently admit legacies at higher rates than non-legacies, researchers have not yet investigated in depth why officers continue to enact these legacy preferences and what impacts the practice may have on the college and its goals.

In their new study, “Through the Front Door: Why Do Organizations (Still) Prefer Legacy Applicants?” appearing in the October 2022 issue of The American Sociological Review, authors Emilio J. Castilla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Ethan J. Poskanzer, University of Colorado-Boulder, investigate what drives colleges to give preferential treatment during the admissions process to the children of alumni, as well as how such legacy preferences may contribute to or undermine key organizational strategies and objectives.

The authors developed a theoretical framework that consists of three key organizational logics that decision-makers use when screening applicants: meritocratic, material, and diversity logics. “According to the meritocratic logic, admissions officers, like recruiters and hiring managers of organizations, aim to attract and select the most talented candidates. Following the material logic, colleges, like businesses, have strong economic interests when screening candidates and prefer candidates who can help satisfy those interests. Finally, following the diversity logic, universities and organizations are encouraged to recruit a diverse pool of talented candidates, particularly given current societal pressures to address past demographic injustices and foster diversity.” The authors then applied their framework to data comprising the entire population of admissions decisions and academic records collected over a period of 16 years from an elite institution, henceforth referred to as “The College.”

Consistent with prior research, the authors found that legacies received a sizeable advantage in admissions decisions. Legacy applicants were, on average, more than twice as likely to be admitted as non-legacy applicants at The College, with 34.2 percent of legacy applicants admitted, compared to 13.9 percent of non-legacy applicants. Regarding what drove The College to prefer legacies, the study found strong evidence that material logic influenced The College’s admissions decisions at the cost of the other two organizational logics. Compared to non-legacies, legacies as a group have a better yield and are more likely to accept offers of admission, are less likely to need financial aid, are more supportive alumni after graduation, and have wealthier parents capable of contributing generously to The College.
The study also found that legacy preferences conflict with the two other logics. “Regarding the diversity logic, we found that the legacy advantage is largely afforded to White candidates and those from wealthy backgrounds, potentially offsetting diversity efforts in admissions that favor racial minorities. Furthermore, legacies are more likely to be White compared to other racial groups. Contrary to the meritocratic logic, legacies are not meaningfully more qualified than non-legacies and do not contribute more to the campus community” while attending college.

Castilla and Poskanzer believe that their investigation could be expanded in several productive directions. Given that the use of legacy preferences in admissions resembles nepotism in organizational selection processes more broadly, the authors see potential in applying their framework and findings to how applicants are screened for other programs and organizations. “This line of research would be particularly relevant in the case of screening candidates into professional schools and businesses, especially those that hire cohorts of candidates regularly, such as professional firms and technology companies.”

Colleges and universities increasingly face many financial challenges as a result of demographic changes, declining government support, and technological disruption to education. As a result, many of these institutions could emphasize tuition dollars and alumni donations more than ever and may as a result be less inclined to eliminate legacy admissions. “In this regard, we hope our study of The College reminds university leaders and public officials of the trade-offs between admissions decisions to prioritize material support/needs and other key organizational (and even societal) goals—such as selecting the most talented and diverse candidates for educational opportunities.”

“Ethan and I undertook this research because we were curious about the role of legacies and nepotism in today’s organizations,” Castilla said. “And we found the ideal setting, The College (a pseudonym), to precisely calculate the magnitude of such a family advantage in one real college during a multiyear period and to examine why this advantage is still reproduced by gatekeepers even in organizations that aim to attract and select the best and most diverse talent.”

For more information and for a copy of the study, contact [email protected].

About the American Sociological Association and The American Sociological Review 
The American Sociological Association, founded in 1905, is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to serving sociologists in their work, advancing sociology as a science and profession, and promoting the contributions to and use of sociology by society. The American Sociological Review is ASA’s flagship journal.