Marxist Sociology

The ASA Marxist Sociology Section promotes the use of Marxist theory and methods to explain the complex dynamics of the social world, from ideology and the capitalist system to revolutionary, counter-hegemonic movements; from global political economy and national institutions to the politics of the workplace; from economic development and technological change to politics and culture; from imperialism to the environment. We aim to provide a platform for young Marxist sociologists at the beginnings of their careers and to serve as a resource and meeting point for all scholars and activists whose work is informed by Marxist theory. With our annual section awards, we celebrate excellent scholarly work by new and established scholars and commend life-long achievements in Marxist sociology. We also recognize the importance of Marxist sociological praxis by honoring those who facilitate social change – that, we all acknowledge, is the point.

Annual Report (2023)
Award Recipient History

Section Council

Chair: Kristin Plys, University of Toronto
Chair-Elect: Jeff Goodwin, New York University
Past Chair: Brendan McQuade, University of Southern Maine
Section Secretary: Nada Matta, Drexel University
Section Treasurer: Zachary Levenson, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
David Embrick, University of Connecticut
Christina Ergas, University of Tennessee
Zeynep Gonen, Framingham State University
Sahan Savas Karatasli, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Umaima Miraj, University of Toronto (Student Representative)
Roberto J. Ortiz, California State University, Long Beach
Intan Suwandi, Illinois State University

Visit the Section’s website here.